Yesterday, Holy Thursday, dh and I went to the 6 p.m. Mass at our parish, San Cayetano. During the homily Fr. Argimiro washed the feet of twelve men from the congregation, as is customary on this day. After Mass we went for coffee (I had a McFlurry, actually), then returned for an hour of Eucharistic adoration at 9 p.m.
Today we attended the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross) at the same place. We walked there from home, which took about 25 minutes. Since the inside of our church is large and very lofty, they hold the Via Crucis inside it. The procession goes around inside the nave. Though most people participate from their seats, anyone who wants to is welcome to join the procession and help carry the cross and candles. I'd never participated in the procession before, but I did today, and even carried one of the big candles (on the top of a stick -- anyone who knows the proper name for the candle-on-a-stick, please leave a comment!) for one station.
After the Via Crucis we came home and ate, then returned to church for the 5:00 liturgical service. First were the readings, then adoration of the cross, in which everyone who wants to goes up to the big crucifix and kisses Jesus' feet. There must have been several hundred people at the service, because it took like half an hour for everyone to do this -- and there were two lines! After the adoration part was the communion rite.
I like these high holy days because there is so much solemnity and ceremony and incense. Love those "smells and bells"! I was overjoyed to see almost thirty acolytes at both Mass yesterday and the adoration service this evening! I'd never seen that many in one place at one time -- except maybe on t.v. during a papal Mass. The ones at our chuch are mostly males, though there are a few females, and of all ages, from about, oh, eight years old on up to mature men. The photo above shows some of the adult men acolytes getting the crucifix ready for the people to kiss today.
Writer's Challenge goal for April: 15,000 words // Words so far: 2,595
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