Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Baseball Movies ... and Magic

I have this "thing" about baseball movies: I love them!

The thing is, I'm not a huge baseball fan. I've never been to a professional game; don't know if I've been to any games, actually, since my dad dropped out of his softball league when I was a small child. I currently live in a metropolitan area that is home to two major league baseball teams, and yet I don't particularly support either one of them. Okay, if hard pressed I'd probably choose the Cubs, since I do have a couple of uncles over in Indiana who love the Cubbies and no relatives (that I am aware of) who root for the White Sox. But I follow about as much baseball in the news as I do any other sport -- which is to say, none.

So what's the deal with me and baseball movies? In the last couple of years I have seen and enjoyed a bunch of them, and we now own three: 61*, Field of Dreams, and A League of Their Own. (Okay, I confess, I don't actually own that last one yet, but I do have it on order from
my used dvd swapping club and hope to hold it in my sweaty little paws very soon.) Our dvd collection at home is not at all large, and I don't believe there is any other theme on which we actually have three films. Why baseball? It's a mystery.

What made me reflect on this was that I watched Field of Dreams again last night, after having seen it for the first time a couple of years ago. A marvelous movie! It got me thinking about magic -- the good kind, the kind that leaves you tingling with wonder -- and about how we as adults are so quick to scoff at even the idea of such a thing. And how, thinking it silly, we stop thinking about it at all, and then we stop noticing it happening ... and pretty soon we are complaining about the dullness of life in general. Hm. Maybe I'll start trying to remember to look for a little more magic during my day. I'm pretty sure it's happening all the time, all around me.

In the meantime, if there are any baseball-themed movies you'd like to recommend, don't hesitate to leave a comment below. Play ball!


Solomon Valley Chronicles said...

Like you, I'm not a fan of baseball but enjoy baseball movies (and select other sports movies). My recommendations are:
The Natural
For the Love of the Game

And, this is a golf movie, but also very good:
The Greatest Game Ever Played


Bridal Magic said...

I was just feeling in the mood to watch the Sandlot. Haha! Ok, so it's not the *best* baseball movie, but it's fun!